Wednesday, March 6, 2013

7 Tips for Erasing Dark Circles

Erasing Dark Circles-
1.     Water retention during sleep can cause lower lids to swell, increasing shadows beneath the eyes, aka dark circles. Watch your sodium intake, drink plenty of water, and sleep with your head slightly raised on a pillow.
2.     The skin under the eyes is thin and delicate to begin with, and gets more so as we age–the thinner the skin, the more visible veins underneath the eyes become. Sun exposure exacerbates this, so be sure to use an all-natural sunscreen for delicate eye areas.
3.     Food allergies and/or sensitivities can create dark circles; hence the term “allergy shiner.” Do you have any food allergies or sensitivities? You may not even know it, some suggest that serious dark circles alone are reason to be tested for food allergies or sensitivities.
4.     At some point, you may have to thank dear old mom or dad; dark circles under the eyes runs in families.
5.     Sometimes anemia can contribute to dark circles, check out other anemia symptoms to strike it from the list.
6.     Dehydration. Drink enough water and herbal tea to make sure that you are not dehydrated.
7.     And finally, a plain old lack of sleep can make circles appear darker. So get your 7 to 8 hours in.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Natural Facial Cleansers

Natural Facial Cleansers for Oily Skin
Lemon Juice and Baking Soda Cleanser
§  1 tablespoon baking soda
§  lemon juice as needed, or water
If you’re looking to exfoliate and scrub your face, try combining baking soda and lemon juice. You only need a tablespoon or so of baking soda. Apply enough juice to make a paste–the mixture may fizz, and that’s ok. Apply to your skin for a couple of minutes, then rinse off. You’ll enjoy the combination of gentle fruit acids plus a good scrubbing agent. 
If baking soda is too harsh for you, then simply create a toner by mixing lemon juice and water in a 2:1 ratio, and apply with a cotton ball.

Egg White and Lemon Juice Natural Face Mask
§  One egg white
§  Few drops of lemon juice
Egg whites are oil free and contain lots of nutrients. They do a great job of stripping dirt and oil off your face, so don’t forget to use that moisturizer afterwards.
Simply take one egg white and beat in a bowl until it’s frothy. Add a few drops of lemon juice to get more AHA exfoliating power. Apply to your skin and leave on for ten minutes, then add a second layer. Wait fifteen minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water and moisturize.

Apple Cider Vinegar Natural Face Toner
§  Apple cider vinegar
§  Water
Apple cider vinegar has lots of great properties. In addition to being a gentle form of AHA, it also has antiseptic, oil-cleaning, and pH-balancing properties.
You can use it as a face toner. Simply mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water; if this is too strong, add additional water to suit you. Apply to your skin with a cotton ball. Allow to dry or rinse off, your choice.
Natural Face Cleaners for Dry or Sensitive Skin
Dry skin requires ingredients that soothe, heal, and moisturize. Aloe vera, milk, cream, honey, and green tea are all great possibilities.
Milk and Honey (Or yogurt and honey) cleanser
§  1 tablespoon of whole milk or yogurt
§  1 teaspoon of honey for milk, 1 tablespoon for yogurt
Milk and honey have been used as a face cleanser for generations. Simply combine about a teaspoon of honey (preferably dark honey) with a tablespoon of whole milk. Put the mix in a small bottle and dip it in hot water until the mixture gets warm and the honey can thoroughly mix with the milk by shaking it. Make sure it’s comfortably warm but not scalding. Shake well and apply.
Instead of milk, you can also use yogurt. Use a 1:1 ratio of each, apply and leave on for about ten minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
Green Tea Toner
§  Green tea or green tea leaves as needed
§  Plain yogurt sufficient to cover skin
Green tea contains lots of polyphenols as antioxidants. It can help to rejuvenate and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also gentle on the skin.
You can use green tea directly as a toner by simply applying cold green tea (preferably that you have brewed yourself and refrigerated) to your face with a cotton ball. You can leave it on your skin if you like.
Or try this as a scrub or mask: Take crushed green tea leaves (or tea from inside a teabag) and combine with plain yogurt. Mix together. Apply to your face gently and leave on for a few minutes. Use the bits of green tea leaves for doing a bit of scrubbing if needed. Wash off with warm water.
Aloe Vera and Cucumber Natural Face Mask
§  2 tablespoons of aloe gel
§  1/2 cucumber
Have an aloe vera plant handy? These wonderful plants contain a gel that is rich in moisturizing and anti-inflammatory ingredients, and their usefulness in treating minor burns and cuts is well known.
If you’re using your own aloe plant, simply cut a leaf stalk off with a knife near the base of the plant. Wash the stalk then cut it down the middle. Use a spoon  to scrape out the clear gel, avoiding any yellow material that may be found on the inside of the stalk. Strain the gel through some gauze to remove lumps. 
Do this until you have 2 tablespoons of aloe gel.
Then take ½ cucumber, wash and peel it, take out the seeds and cut it into pieces. Combine the cucumber bits with the aloe gel in a blender and create a smooth paste. Spread it gently and evenly on your face or skin. Leave the mask to dry for 30 minutes. Wash off with cold water and dry.
Natural Facial Cleansers for All or Combination Skin Types
Here are some recipes any skin type can benefit from, especially for people with combination skin types.
Oatmeal Natural Face Mask
§  3/4 cup of ground oatmeal
§  1/3 cup of warm water
As users of certain moisturizing lotions know, oatmeal is great for skin. It is luxurious and silky smooth, yet great for exfoliating. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Try this simple recipe. It’s more of a natural face mask than a quick cleanser, but should do a great job anyway.
First, you need ground oatmeal. The best way is to buy rolled oats at the grocery store and then grind them with a blender or coffee grinder. If you don’t feel like doing that, then get some instant oatmeal without any sweeteners or additives and use it straight out of the box–but this approach probably won’t give you the best results.
Take 3/4 cup of oatmeal and mix it with about a 1/3 cup of warm water. Use more or less water to suit, but you should form a nice paste. Spread the paste onto your face or skin, then relax and allow it to dry. Rinse it off with warm water and you’re done. 
Here’s an alternative: use unflavored yogurt instead of water, in a 1:1 ratio with ground oatmeal (say, one tablespoon of each.) Add a touch of warm honey if you like (which you can do just by heating a spoon under hot water for a bit then adding the honey.) Mix everything together, apply for ten minutes, and then remove with warm water and a washcloth. 
Oil-based Natural Facial Cleansing
Did you know that washing your skin with oil is very good for it, even if you have oily skin? First, let’s clear up some misconceptions. People often think that oil causes acne, but this by itself is not true. Many other factors contribute at least as much–including age/adolescence, hormones, clogging of pores with trapped bacteria or dirt, and more.
Oil dissolves oil–a phenomenon readily seen in chemistry. The right combination of oils can clean, moisturize and protect your skin.
A well known combination of oils for cleansing purposes is castor oil plus extra virgin olive oil. The olive oil moisturizes, while the castor oil cleans.
Pick the ratio of oils that’s best for you. For people with normal skin, start off with equal parts castor and extra virgin olive oil, enough to clean your entire face or whatever you’re cleaning (you don’t need much). If you have oily skin, favor castor oil over olive oil, up to a 3:1 castor to olive oil ratio. If your skin is dry, go in the opposite direction, up to a 3:1 olive to castor oil ratio.
As an alternative to olive oil you can consider jojoba oil, known to be a great moisturizer, or grapeseed oil, which is used as an astringent. People concerned about acne sometimes use a drop or two of tea tree oil, which is a natural antiseptic.
Next, rub the mixture onto your palms and slowly massage your your skin with your fingers. Avoid water. Do this gently for one minute.
Then, take a washcloth and dip it in hot water–but take care not to make it so hot that you burn yourself. Comfortably hot is good enough. Apply the cloth to your face until it cools to room temperature. This opens your pores and let the cleaning/moisturizing oils do their job removing dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria. Relax and enjoy a few minutes of quiet luxury while you do this.
Finally, rinse and wring out the washcloth, then use it to gently remove the remaining oil on your skin. Your skin ends up lustrous, moisturized, and clean without the use of abrasives or chemicals. Source.
Additional Options for Natural Face Cleansers and Masks
Here is a list of ingredients that are often used to create natural cleansers. Some have been covered above. For the others you should experiment and research yourself, the options are almost endless!
Apple cider vinegar
Apple juice
Baking soda
Cedarwood oil
Coconut oil
Egg white
Grapefruit oil
Green tea
Juniper berry oil
Mint, mint juice
Oats or Oatmeal
Peppermint oil
Rose oil
Sea salt
A natural facial cleanser is a great way to treat your face and your skin the right and eco friendly way. You’ll look good and feel good without resorting to chemicals, thus doing good for the environment as well as your health.

Top 10 – Skincare tips for the summer

Top 10 – Skincare tips for the summer
1. Stay hydrated. Your body tends to lose a lot of moisture in the summer, so it’s important to regularly replenish the H2O. Drink a lot of water and liquids and your skin will stay soft and moisturized as well.
2. Sun protection. If you can, try and stay indoors between 11am and 3pm. That’s when the sun’s rays are the strongest and can have an adverse effect on your skin. Also, don’t forget to apply that all-important sunscreen 30 minutes before you step out. If you’ve been out in the sun for a few hours, touch it up again so you’re well protected.
3. Use a toner. It’s important to keep your pores closed and skin cool by using a toner. Look for a brand that suits you or try rose water. Its natural cooling properties make it an excellent toner for the hot season.
4. Go for a water-based moisturizer. Don’t make the mistake of skipping the moisturizing routine altogether as its essential for your skin to remain hydrated. However, if you find your regular moisturizer too oily, go for a water-based one.
5. Ditch those aerated drinks. Most people have the tendency to reach out for an ice cold aerated drink to quench their thirst on a really hot day. However, it’s important to remember that these drinks are full of sugar that is not good for your skin or your figure. Instead drink some water, fresh lime, fresh fruit juices, aam panna (green mango drink) or coconut water to stay hydrated. It’s also best to minimize the intake of diuretics like alcohol and caffeine as they reduce the water from your system.
6. Cleanse your face twice a day. At least! This is important to do even if you’ve been home all day and feel like your skin is clean. Cleansing and moisturizing your skin before sleeping is an absolute must.
7. Exfoliate. More than the rest of the year, it’s really important to exfoliate your skin in the summer to remove dead skin and improve blood circulation to the face. Choose from any of the cosmetic scrubs available in the market or make one at home. Try this simple one using 4 to 5 tbsps of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric, 5 – 6 drops of rose water and milk or yoghurt. Mix it into a paste and use it to exfoliate your face. Follow it up with a facemask and moisturizer.
8. Don’t like your tan? Gram flour can also be used as a facemask to get rid of an uneven tan. Mix it with yoghurt and a few drops of lemon and apply and leave it on your face till it’s dry. The citrus properties of the lemon are very effective in removing the tan.
9. Get that warm, summer glow. Papaya is full of natural goodness and you can even use it as a homemade pack. Just mash 2 tbsp of papaya with a tsp of honey and 1 egg white. Leave the mixture on your face for about 15 minutes and enjoy the glow you get afterwards.
10. Cool your skin. Blending half a cucumber and 1 tbsp of yoghurt in the mixer can make another simple and effective homemade face pack. Apply this to your face for 15 minutes and feel completely pampered.
Bonus tip. Eat healthy, exercise and sleep well! The holy trinity of good health and glowing skin holds true for the whole year. So along with all the tips above, don’t forget to eat a balanced diet, work out for at least 45 minutes every day and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Enjoy the summer!